Sunday 30 November 2014

The Altitude of Attitude

The right attitude of rising to the occasion.
"Do not compare yourself to anyone if you do you are insulting yourself." God has created us differently so that we could and can complement each other. The secret to the whole equation lies in the manner in which we approach our purpose in life. Though it takes some time for us to realize our purpose, it is the attitude in which we approach our life's lessons.
It is through these lessons that we can derive our purpose, for attitude is contagious. The question is who's have you caught to be behaving as wildly as you do? Below are the twelve researched points on attitude:
1. It is your attitude to life that will determine life's attitude towards you, despite many people's belief to the contrary life pays no favorites.
2. You control your attitude. If you are negative it is because you have decided to be negative and not because of other people or circumstances.
3. Act as if you are having a good attitude. Remember actions trigger feelings just as feelings trigger actions.
4. Before a person can achieve the kind of result they want, they must first become a person. They must think, walk, talk, act and conduct themselves in all affairs as a person they wish to become.
5. Treat everybody as the most important person in the world.
6. Attitudes are based on assumptions, in order to change attitudes one must first change assumptions.
7. Develop the attitude that there are more reasons why you should succeed than reasons why you should fail.
8. When you are faced with a problem, adopt the attitude that you can and you will solve it.
9. We become what we think about. Control your thoughts and you will control your life.
10. Radiate the attitude of confidence of well being, of a person who knows where he / she is going. You will then find good things happening to right away.
11. In order to develop a good attitude, take charge first thing in the morning. Do you say "GOOD MORNING LORD" or "Good Lord Morning.
12. It is your attitude at the beginning of a task more than anything else that will determine your success or failure.
Attitudes are more important than facts.
If we were able to master the altitude of attitude we will be able to realize that all is based on the choices that we make, and understanding how they will affect and effect the future. The question is how? The answer Living outside the box.
Someone once said this about choices:
You choose to be cheerful or you choose to be gloomy.
You choose to be rude or you choose to be courteous.
You choose to be an asset to yourself or you choose to be a detriment to yourself.
Once you begin to understand that every choice has a result that can influence your goals and destiny, you place yourself in a position to become a winner. Can You? YES YOU CAN!!!
In this section we will be talking about a few points and facts that are a painful part of being who we are. Yes everybody has flaws but it is how you deal with them that makes you different. Other than the Chinese, the darkie nation has a major rate of unemployment, unwanted pregnancies, illiteracy, high criminal records, drop outs whether at primary secondary or tertiary level, ill health and poverty. The most interesting level of discussion would be the mental or psychological slavery that we are in that has also enslaved our spirit of creativity.
By virtue of talking to others we get to know that: the is a little difference in people and that difference is attitude, the big difference is whether it is positive or negative.
The positivity or negativity of that attitude is dependent on discipline. This would mean discipline of fatherhood as heads of the family, because of the nature of our gender we are required to take up certain roles. For if we do not take up those roles our world turns up the way it has. This is because we live with a dangerous epidemic I choose to call the ADAM syndrome, "BLAME." Although George W Bush was not one of America's most favorite president, he once said something of note "we are the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world." This man had an idea to describe us. In most white led companies blacks play a significantly major role. If we began to have to an attitude that freedom fighters across the world had, I do not think we would still be living in the conditions we are living in and with the mindset we are carrying around today.
Does this mean we are not learning from our mistakes? Is our society becoming a society of doom and gloom as perceived by our fairer skinned counterparts. Come on Africa we are constantly fighting and oppressing each other over petty issues. We plan rebelliously against each other in the hope that we can do better, knowing completely that the only thing we want out of the plan is POWER. Our presidents do not want to relinquish power or even share it. Much much respect to former president's of South Africa Mr. FW De Klerk and N R Mandela who where men of honor.
President De Klerk knew the calling and President Mandela was a true comrade and a soldier in the greatest army of armies, because the is no greater army than the army fighting for the liberation of God's people. President De Klerk head God's voice and president Mandela knew the mission and he created a world of opportunity by his conduct and ambition. If his idea of democracy and a free society for all cannot be recognized by us the generation of today, how do we expect to teach our children and them to leave a legacy for their children. Is possible to create a way to learn and put to use the wealth that lies in such action of humility.
If we continue to live our lives based on weekends and always looking forward to good time, how are we going to ever learn the secret of personal development. as it is we do not save enough money, for education, holidays or even security. We live expecting God to deliver manna from heaven yet we do not live according to his ways. We at times do not believe that he can provide the very same manna. It is true what they say about all work and no play, it does black a dull boy. When are we ever going to see and feel the Promised Land that Martin Luther King saw. Why is it that we cannot take and make use of the equal opportunities we have been provided with.
Africa what is happening to our sense of pride and belonging, it seems like we enjoy living from handouts. In December 11, 1999 mother Theresa upon receiving a Nobel peace prize said" love or charity begins at home" maybe I have a bizarre understanding of the statement, but I think if we loved ourselves enough we would be able to love others, just as the word of God guides us and orders us to do. If our love begun at home we would be able to love the world we live in and would have the edge to want to make it a better place for the entire human race. If only we could listen to Michael Jackson's message in his song heal the world. Then I feel would have a complete understanding of the sense of responsibility that God has put on our shoulders, not in pubs, prison, mortuaries, unemployment lines and hospices dying and blaming it on someone else. Maybe somebody must be blamed for not giving us the necessary resources or maybe we are not asking or even looking hard enough for those resources. I once met a guy who dropped out of high school because he thought school was wasting his time and he could have achieved what he wanted far quicker had he not spent all the time trying to learn in school. One of his goals was to fly aeroplanes, this young felt learning nautical miles, altitude, thrust, drag, north, east, south and west and other flight related knowledge was a complete waste of time. I thought that was rich and a great ambition; how smart of him only if he had not asked me for a cigarette, the same stuff that causes lung cancer and two bucks.
We put the blame on so many aspects of our lives and never on ourselves, but mostly on the education system we were taught under, yet that same education system produced world renown leaders such former state president of south Africa N.R Mandela, Mr. K Motlanthe the deputy former president of South Africa, Harpo founder Oprah Winfrey. Had not been for the educational background that my mother had received I would have not learned the lessons I have learned in this life time. Enough is enough darkie we need to change the way we do things now. It high time we reduce the awful state of living in our townships or ghettos. We need to stop seeing each other as objects of sexual indulgence and failure. We need to stop classifying things such as drunkenness, drugs and excessive partying as fun.

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Monday 24 November 2014

Making Lasting Life Changes - Why We Struggle To Make Lasting Changes In Our Lives

We all have one brain but two minds. These are our conscious rational logical mind, and our emotional subconscious mind. Without both of them our lives would be even more in a constant state of turmoil.

To illustrate how the mind works imagine your brain as a computer hard drive, your conscious mind as a small input processor and your subconscious as a far more powerful processor. Whatever we see, hear, think or experience in our lives is either stored in our memory banks or deleted when that conflicts with what we hold to be true based upon past inputs. Whenever there is a conflict, the more powerful subconscious mind always wins.
To understand why this is so, we need to go back to when we were born. We are born with an empty hard drive except for the basic instincts that keep us alive which are controlled by the subconscious mind. As we grow up to the age of about six, we start to input data from what we see, hear and experience mostly based upon what we are taught by our parents, teachers and other authority figures in our lives.
Once we grow even more our minds have developed the ability to either accept or reject what we experience, hear, think and feel based upon what have by then been stored and accepted as our facts. It doesn't matter if they are right or wrong, good or bad, helpful or harmful, they become our perceptions and beliefs and any further input that is in conflict with what is already stored is deleted before it can enter our internal memory bank.
By the time we turn 13 we already think we are smarter than our parents? Almost every experience has by then been stored. So whenever we have a conscious thought, it is compared to what is stored and if they agree it is allowed into our memory banks but if they do not, they are rejected and bared from entry.
The subconscious is programmed to resist change in order to protect us to help us survive and keep from what is perceived as danger. By now you are beginning to realize, that sometimes this can hinder our desires to make changes that will benefit and enrich our lives. So that is why change is so difficult to make or lasting.
Will power using the conscious mind can at best make temporary changes but eventually the stronger subconscious mind will revert to it's default old past programs until we change them to work with instead of against our desires to change. Fortunately there is a simple way that this can be done.
In order to know how, you must turn to someone who has spent over 30 years of his life in the study of the workings of the human mind. He has written several books, is a qualified clinical hypnotist, and created several products based upon his results with his private inner circle.
He tested this method on them and every one of them expressed a positive and lasting change. It was as if the shackles and leg irons were finally removed and all of them gained amazing improvements, some going on to become millionaires.
I am now also working with this gentleman, Dr Robert Anthony, and am currently learning what he taught his inner circle. I have absolute faith that these teachings will produce the results and make the lasting changes to my own life. I believe that there is nothing more important than getting our brain working at peak efficiency.
Stephen J Vincent.
To discover what Think and Grow Rich and the Secret left out and to enable the Law Of Attraction to bring unlimited benefits into your life we highly recommend Dr Robert Anthony's Mastering Your Inner Game. You can get more information from our website below.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Monday 10 November 2014

Personal Development - Is It All In Your Head?

There is a lot of information available online about Personal Development. There are a myriad of different, techniques, solutions, tapes, CDs, seminars etc. But have you ever been able to get them to work? Have you have tried everything on the market? Do you jump on all the new fads and courses? If you do and your life is still not working or you have come to the point where you are seriously starting to doubt if any of this stuff really works then you need to read this article now!
Does this sound like you?
Is nothing working in your life? No matter how many self improvement tapes you listen to do you just seem to be stuck on the same merry-go-round? Is your job is unsatisfying and do your personal relationships "suck"? Are your finances a mess and could your health be better? If can answer "yes" to any of these questions, or worse you can answer "yes" to all of them, then you need to set yourself straight in your own mind!
Firstly, all Personal Development and Self Improvement starts in the mind. All of your current circumstances started in your thoughts. Take a look around you right now. Seriously stop reading this and look around you for several seconds then come back to this article.
What you just saw is your "demonstration." Everything you see around you, you have attracted into your life - from the chair you are sitting in to the building you occupy. Look at your job - you chose to apply for it (or at least you chose to accept the position). Look at your home. You made the decision to live there. Look at your car, your spouse and your friends. Yep, you chose them all. You must realise then that to change these outer circumstances (the outer experience that stems from your decisions) you must first change yourself on the inside. You must change your decisions and your beliefs about what you are capable of achieving, having and deserving.
You feel terrible because your life is not how you want it to be. But the truth is "you always get more of what you focus on." Your life is terrible at the minute because you are focusing on it being bad and if you keep doing that it will just get worse. It's all in your head!
By learning to change your focus and moving your attention to the things that are working in your life you will create more of that. In time you will start to notice more and more of what you do want in life appearing. To change your focus you must first change the way you feel. Look for the things you are grateful for now. Give thanks for them.
Be thankful that you have a job and a roof over your head. Be grateful that you are not alone in life. Have gratitude for the money you do have. Give thanks that you are alive and capable of changing your current circumstances. Gratitude is the key that unlocks your unlimited potential.
I promise you that if you practise gratitude for only 15 minutes a day your focus will begin to change to the positive and within a month your life will being to change for the better. Within a year you and your outer world will be totally transformed.
If something undesirable happens look at your reaction to it. This tells a lot about your focus. Do you know that successful people have the belief that "everything happens for a reason?" They believe that somehow, someway there will be a positive outcome from it. They believe that there is an irresistible force at work in their lives directing them through thought, action and circumstance towards their own desires. This is merely a decision they made some time ago. They decided to think this way and continued to consciously do so until the thought became a dominant thought and a belief! It takes approximately 30 days to create a new belief (even shorter if you use hypnosis or certain personal development techniques).
Try this approach. You will be amazed at what happens. Just keep telling yourself "everything happens for a reason." Convince yourself that "every cloud has a silver lining" and it will become true for you. Re-direct your focus by being grateful for the things you do have in your life now. Open your vision to the abundance that is all around you even if you are not experiencing it first hand yet. If you can see it, it's in your experience. It only takes a slight shift in your attention to bring it directly to you!
Remember - it's all in your head!
Mark Ford is a home business coach and internet entrepreneur who publishes articles on a wide range of home based business and marketing topics.
Mark Ford helps people improve their income through a home business and digital marketing. If you have taken value from this article visit for my latest news and updates.

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Thursday 6 November 2014

Think and Grow Rich and The Secret

Napoleon Hill's classic book Think and Grow Rich contains money-making secrets that can change your life. In fact, throughout the book, Mr. Hill says that contained in the pages of the book are a secret which has made fortunes for many very wealthy men.
The secret referred to in this book is the very same one referred to in the movie "The Secret". Napoleon Hill spent 20 years researching the book Think and Grow Rich, but it doesn't have to take 20 years to grasp the concept of The Secret. What is actually needed is a willingness to learn concepts that have worked for many people before you.
Mr. Hill learned the secret from Andrew Carnegie, and often refers to it as the Carnegie secret. Mr. Carnegie states that this formula will work for all who are ready for it. The key word is ready. Many people daydream of success and wealth; some even work toward it, but in order to attain it, you have to be ready and searching for it. Napoleon Hill refers to the secret at least 100 times in his book, but does not spell out what the secret actually is. He says he has left it uncovered and in sight where those who are ready and searching for it can pick it up.
Throughout the book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill speaks of people who have known the secret and lived it; people like Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Edison and John D. Rockefeller, to name a few. He states that the secret is more important than education for attaining success. The word "think" has everything to do with the secret. It is about the power of the mind.
Riches are not beyond your reach. You can learn how to attain them through Think and Grow Rich, and "The Secret", if you are ready to learn.
Start living the life of your dreams in just six weeks. Learn how at

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